I've freelanced in various positions with different Casting companies since 2001. In that time, I've had the pleasure of auditioning & shooting hundreds of the worlds' most beautiful women. I've worked in casting and behind-the-scenes on hundreds of commercial/TV/print ad campaigns for just about every kind of company in the world... for tech giants such as Apple, Google, & Samsung, to Luxury Brands such as Gucci, Porsche, & Chanel... I've worked on countless videos for some of the most popular artists in the music business such as Michael Jackson, Beyonce, Britney Spears, & Pharrell. And I've had my fair share of work in film, meeting/working with some of Hollywood's best in Denzel Washington and most beautiful, like Selma Hayek.
I've met all types of people in this business... And what I take from each experience, or what I remember most, is usually very little about the job... or how much money I made... but what I truly remember is the character of the individuals I worked with. Whatever emotional exchange I got from them in our brief experience with each other, becomes the "currency" in which I pass to others about my experience of working with a certain person to others. And I cannot stress enough how much your character means in this business. How you treat others... even if you think that other person doesn't matter... Just think about how much, "how you are treated by others", is hard to forget.
Modeling in particular can be a very superficial business, full of fake plastic people, running around trying to fulfill the fake plastic needs/desires of other indecisive/insecure people. So let me say this for the benefit of any new/aspiring models on my blog. "Sometimes your beauty CAN take you places, your character CAN'T keep you." Read that again. That's the death of many careers. And those models often are forgotten. The models I always remember, are not necessarily the most famous people I've ever met (because I truly have to think hard to remember some of them), but rather some of the humblest, kindest, down-to-earth people I've ever met... They will always have a place in my heart and the fans they touch...